Frequently Asked Questions
Answers to some of the most commonly asked questions.
This is a 3 part question:
How long does it take to get an instance of ReCES up and running, that is registered to your institution and your department?
An example of this would be https://acme-obgyn.reces.org, where
- acme = ACME Medical Center
- obgyn = Your department
We can stand up your initial instance of ReCES in less than 10 minutes. You will be able to login as an admin and immediately be able to configure your system.
How long does it take us to configure your instance on your behalf
Configurations include your specific rotations, procedures, residents/students, attendings/supervisors, administrators and, more importantly, which procedures map to which rotations
(i.e., in rotation 1, what are all the possible procedures a resident/student can perform)?
We can provide you with a few excel files that, once filled out, can be implemented by us and live in less than 30 minutes.
How long does it take to customize your instance?
An example of a customization is that which we customized for one institution's anesthesiology program.
This program's rotations are not always procedure-based. For some rotations, procedures are not performed, but rather, patients are seen or consults are given. Moreover, dependent on whether patients seen or consults given is being tracked, the department wanted to be able to track how many a-lines, centrals, TEEs were placed or how many epidurals and/or nerve blocks were performed.
It is hard to put an exact number on customizations. The most complex customization to date required about 8 hours of requirements gathering with stakeholders from your department and then about 2 weeks to implement.
ReCES is a software as a service (SaS) platform. It is completely hosted and served in the cloud.
So, the answer to this question is an enthusiastic NO!
We differentiate between the terms "configuration" and "customization" (see answer to "How long does it take to setup my instance of ReCES?")
Configurations - require no coding/development by our engineers; that is to say, they can be completed by the administrators of your system.
Examples of configurations include, but are not limited to:
- Add/Edit Users
- Add/Edit Rotations and Procedures (or Clinicals and Skills for Nursing Schools)
- Add/Edit Evaluation Criteria and Criteria Values
Customizations - by definition, these changes require development efforts on our part.
ReCES is a software as a service (SaS) website hosted in the cloud.
So, no, users do not need to install anything on their device.
Moreover, ReCES was designed for and can be accessed on any browser, on a desktop, tablet or phone!
ReCES is a cloud-cased platform hosted on an Amazon S3 server.
User passwords are required to contain:
- 8 digits
- At least one capital letter.
- At least one number
- At least one character
Lastly, the website itself is secured vis-à-vis an entrust SSL certificates, powered by SHA-2 Security (i.e., https).
SHA-2 was developed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). SHA-2 represents the most current set of cryptographic hash functions.
ReCES "user" profile information includes only Login, Password, Screen Name, First Name, Last Name, Email, Phone, Year of schooling and a Photo.
All passwords are MD5 encrypted.
What's more, only the Login, Password and Email is required to be stored on the system.
If your institution requires for fields to be removed from the user profile, we can work with you to implement it as part of an additional "customization" engagement.
2-step authentication is available upon request.
If your institution requires SSO, we can work with you to implement it as part of an additional "customization" engagement.
(see answer to "What, if any, development or customizations will need to be made to fit my particular program?")
There are three (3) types of ReCES users:
- Supervisee: A user who initiates an evaluation request by "adding (logging) a case" and who is responsible for confirming they they have seen/read the evaluation.
- Supervisee: A user who receives a request to be evaluated by a supervisee with whom they have worked together on a case.
- Administrator: A user who, based on their privileges, can configure the system, review user feedback, alert users regarding outstanding tasks requiring completion and generate progress reports.
ReCES supports the following, out-of-the-box "Administrator" Privileges:
- Super Admin: Can perform any administration task.
- Configurator: Can configure the system.
- Report Generator: Can view supervisee evaluation scores and generate progress reports.
It is not possible for two users to be working on a single case log or evaluation at the same time.
A case log is initiated by a resident/student and attached to their account. It is not possible for another user to access that case log.
Likewise, an evaluation is initiated by a attending/supervisor and attached to their account. It is not possible for another user to access that evaluation.
ReCES is a software as a service (SaS) platform, based on an annual "subscription" model.
There is no contract required.
Annual fees are billed at the beginning of each year and are calculated based on the total "number of users" purchased for that year, where users include the:
- supervisees (e.g., residents, students, etc.,)
- supervisors (e.g., attendings, supervising physician, etc.,)
- administrators of the system
So, for example, if you department has 80 residents, 40 attendings and 2 administrators... your total annual subscription fee would be based on 122 annual users.
16 hours of "support," to configure your instance, are included in the 1st year's subscription fee.
16 hours is typically enough hours for your instance to be configured and for your institution to be up and running.
If configuring your instance requires more than 10 hours of support, additional support can be purchased in blocks of 20 hours at $150/hr
It is your option to purchase a "monthly" Support & Maintenance (SaM) contract of 12 hr/month, which can be rolled over month-to-month if unused, but cannot be rolled over year-over-year if unused hours remain at the end of the subscription year.
This will allow you to request some customizations throughout the year or to be used for support in administrating your system (i.e., to execute administrative functions that you can do yourself but that which you do not have time to do).
As far as availability, we have enough engineers on demand to be available when you need us!
In-person and virtual training is not included in the annual subscription fee and it is not included in the 10 hours of free subscription support.
We will build a training syllabus based on the amount of users that will require training.
If you already have a GME software in place, such as MedHub, myevaluation or New Innovations, you can rest assured that we have no intention of replacing your software.
ReCES acts as an enhancement to those software, to strengthen the evaluation component.
Having a system like ReCES in your GME software mix will allow you to evaluate at a daily- and procedural-level and provide you with reporting tools that will generate more detailed and meaningful progress report.